Reservations - Victoria West Tours

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Opening Hours

What we offer

  • Town Tours
  • Hiking Tours
  • Township Tours
  • Photography

About Us

Victoria West Tours offer's a variety of tour's in Victoria West. From our town tours, hiking tour to our townships tours.We are a animal and disabilities friendly business. We've got family, friends and business package's available at affordable prices.

Our Half Town Walking Tours (R80 per person)

Start at the Apollo Theater, Kempen and Kempen House, HotelVictoria West School, Standard Bank Historical Architectural route, Town Hall, Sinagogue, Dutch Reformed Church, Frieda Kempen Old Age Home, Apollo Theater (route end's)

This half town tour take's approximately 20/30 minutes.

Full Town Town Tours (R150 per person)

Start: Apollo Theater, Kempen and Kempen, Hotel (Merino Junction), Standard Bank, Anglican Church, Museum, Victoria West School, Historical Architecture route A, Town Hall, Dutch Reformed Church, Historical Architectural route B, Mannetjies Roux House, Old Parsonage of the Dutch Reformed Church, Historical Architecture Route C, Apollo Theater (ending point)

This route takes approximately 45 minutes and more)

Township Tour's (R100 per person)

Emily Manong house's of remembrance, POQO PAC members house, Lilian Noveve School, Pub and tarvern experience, The township town takes Approximately 1 hours and can be walked or taken via transport.
